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Roshan is an undergarduate student in Information and Communication Technologies from Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna.He is very much interesting on IT related Topics and the technical stuffs.Roshan is also a creative mind with lots of ideas and potential writter..!

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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

kabi khabi ......sindi gee ti naiyee koi apna laktha hei-yeah to you......

some times you meet someone along the way
 and it breaks your heart,when they go away
 eyes demands tears its hard to disobey
 and believe everything gonna be OK!

 sometimes you feels so down and blue
 every day like a bitter brew
its hard to smile feel happy or crisp
and believe everything's gonna be OK!
think of how much i love you
when you cry i cry with you
cant hold a note but sing for you
hei ........ some times the world is a dark place
but the blackest night cracks with the dawns rays
some times you find a friend along the way
feels unreal like a dream when they go away
go on ......laugh a bit just a bit
how about a smile go on
give me a little smile
your happiness spreads joy all around
the sun emerges and warms the ground
can you hear what the wind has to say
friends though parted meet again
know it or not flowers blossom again
some times you meet someone along the way
 and it breaks your heart,when they go away
go on ...... laugh a bit
just a bit
how about a smile go on
-not my creation but made me to be creative-
rkarunarathna Web Developer,Programer

Roshan is an undergarduate student in Information and Communication Technologies from Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna.He is very much interesting on IT related Topics and the technical stuffs.Roshan is also a creative mind with lots of ideas and potential writter..!